Partnering with the regional medical clinic to Foster Healthier Families and Futures

Help to Extend Health Care to More Families

Support the Gajarkot Medical Clinic

The need for adequate health care and treatment in the Gajarkot service area is great, due to the high rate of communicable and infectious diseases, natural hazards such as floods, landslides and earthquakes, and malnutrition.

Access to a health care facility and services is very limited in the mountainous area served by PSI. Those in need may walk over half a day to reach the Gajarkot clinic, only to discover that it offers only a few options for treatment or diagnosis. Other medical assistance is hours away.

For a villager needing help, your contribution can provide:

  • clinic outreach to a greater number of households,
  • improved facilities and equipment for treatment and care,
  • continued programs for prenatal and postnatal care and
  • education programs regarding family health, nutrition, and household sanitation.

Recently, PSI funded the materials for the construction of a drinking water line to the new medical clinic along with the purchase of essential clinical supplies. Past funding provided solar energy panels, a power generator, propane fuel, a medical refrigerator, patient beds, medical equipment and drugs. A community outreach program for prenatal and postnatal care receives ongoing PSI support.

As little as a $25 contribution can provide diagnosis and treatment to several area villagers.
