Providing students more access to education and greater Opportunities for Completion

Help the School District Increase
Enrollments and Retain Students

School Attendance is Greatly Impacted by Household Poverty

In the areas served by the PSI-partnered schools in Rupakot, Ramjakot, and Fasku, a child may be unable to attend because her or his family cannot afford the mandatory fees. The average household income of a rural family is only $250 per month, making the school fees ranging from $50 to $90 a barrier to entry.

Compounding the school attendance problem is the average 30% drop-out rate in the primary grades due to the continuing employment and income issues. Only 15% of young adults stay in school through grade ten to complete their secondary education.

Rural Schools Have Limited Resources

Rural classrooms are often without power and equipped with little more than a chalk board. Learning is challenged by the depletion of student supplies well before the end of the school year, a shortage of textbooks requiring four students to share a single book and teachers who lack sufficient teaching materials and equipment.

Your financial help can provide and/or improve:

  • access to primary school for children negatively impacted by their gender, ethnicity or economic class,
  • the school’s ability to attract or retain the district’s young adults through their completion of secondary school,
  • the availability and use of relevant teaching tools and learning aids.

This year’s focus of PSI grants included the provision of school uniforms and school supplies to those who couldn’t afford them, financial scholarships for students to complete high school or pursue higher education, and funding for a school snack program for undernourished students. Past funds provided computers, science lab equipment, library materials and sports equipment.

A $50 donation can keep a child in school for an entire year.
